Tuesday 27 January 2015

Lowongan kerja online terbaru 2015 tanpa modal

Suka internetan? punya akun FB, twitter atau yg lainnya? saatnya gunakan hobimu tuk mengahasilkan uang. tanpa modal jadi tanpa resiko. kamu hanya butuh jaringan internet. bisa ke warnet atau punya modem sendiri. kenapa nggak sob! dari pada keluyuran di dunia maya tanpa ngasilin apa apa. mending kita coba ngasilin uang. info lebih lanjut silahkan klik link di bawah ini.


Friday 1 August 2014

Jujur atau Bohong aku akan tetap kehilangannya.

Aku ingin jujur kepadanya tapi.. aku takut disaat aku jujur aku akan kehilangannya.. selain itu yg lebih membuatku takut walaupun dia memaafkanku, aku takan pernah bisa lagi untuk menatap matanya..
Aku mencintainya.. dan aku ingin menjadi yang terbaik untuknya.. sayangnya aku takan pernah menjadi yang terbaik.. karena aku tidak sempurna...

I want to be honest to him but .. I'm afraid when I was honest I would lose it .. besides it scares me even more that he forgive me, I will never be able to look into his eyes again ..

I love him .. and I want to be the best for him .. unfortunately I will never be the best .. because I'm not perfect ...

Wednesday 21 May 2014


Ntah kenapa akhir-kahir ini mimpi sesorang yang sama sekali nggak pernah kupikirkan atau ku ingat bahkan cenderung lupa.

Bahkan wajahnya masih samar-samar kuingat,,, tapi aku yakin dia salah satu temanku waktu SMP.
ysang kuingat malah teman sebangkunya...
tapi masih gak begitu yakin.. dia teman SMPku bukan.. tapi aku yakin pernah mengenalnya...
atau mungkin ingatanku menipuku... Aaaahhh pusing... lupain ajalah.

Friday 26 October 2012

Cara memutihkan Ketiak Hitam Secara alami

Ketiak yang hitam pastinya akan menggangu penampilan anda, dan berbagai cara memutihkan ketiak pasti anda cari untuk dapat memutihkan kulit ketiak secara permanen, dan berikut ini beberapa informasi mengenai cara memutihkan ketiak secara alami 
  •  Dengan irirsan lemon cara memutihkan ketiak dengan lemon adalah dan gosokkan ke area ketia yang gelap. Setelah itu biarkan selama 15 menit, dan bilas dengan air bersih.
  • Tambahkan perasan lemon ke baking soda, lalu oleskan ke ketiak. Biarkan sampai mengering,     setelah itu cuci ketiak dengan bersih.
  •  Gosok daerah ketiak yang gelap dengan potongan kentang. Jus kentang juga bisa digunakan, karena bermanfaat memutihkan.
  • Pijat area ketiak yang hitam secara reguler dengan minyak kelapa sebelum mandi. Hal ini akan   membunuh bakteri, dan mencerahkan ketiak pada saat yang sama.
  • Buat ‘scrub’ dari 1 sendok teh jus lemo ditambah 1 sendok teh madu, dan satu sendok teh bubuk kacang. Olesi ketiak dengan scrub dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Madu akan membersihkan kulit, sedangkan lemon membersihkan kulit.
  •  Cuka terbuat dari apel dicampur baking soda, juga bisa mencerahkan warna ketiak yang gelap.
  •  Gunakan bedak antijamur sebagai deodoran.
  •  Haluskan beberapa kulit jeruk dan tambahkan 1 sendok teh yoghurt, oleskan ke ketiak dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Ini akan menghilangkan bau ketiak dan mencerahkan kulit ketiak.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sungmin's Martial Art Skill

How could He do that?

it's so awsome!

He looks weak but in fact he's strong and talented guy/

cool Sungmin-ah....


Tuesday 22 November 2011


Do you have an exact double somewhere in the world? Can a person be in two places at once? There are many intriguing accounts throughout history of people who claim to have either encountered apparitions of themselves - their doppelgangers - or have experienced the phenomenon of bilocation, being in two separate locations at the very same time.
"Doppelganger" is German for "double walker" - a shadow self that is thought to accompany every person. Traditionally, it is said that only the owner of the doppelganger can see this phantom self, and that it can be a harbinger of death. Occasionally, however, a doppelganger can be seen by a person's friends or family, resulting in quite a bit of confusion.
In instances of bilocation, a person can either spontaneously or willingly project his or her double, known as a "wraith," to a remote location. This double is indistinguishable from the real person and can interact with others just as the real person would.
One of the most fascinating reports of a doppelganger comes from American writer Robert Dale Owen who was told the story by Julie von Güldenstubbe, the second daughter of the Baron von Güldenstubbe. In 1845, when von Güldenstubbe was 13, she attended Pensionat von Neuwelcke, an exclusive girl's school near Wolmar in what is now Latvia. One of her teachers was a 32-year-old French woman named Emilie Sagée. And although the school's administration was quite pleased with Sagée's performance, she soon became the object of rumor and odd speculation. Sagée, it seemed, had a double that would appear and disappear in full view of the students.
In the middle of class one day, while Sagée was writing on the blackboard, her exact double appeared beside her. The doppelganger precisely copied the teacher's every move as she wrote, except that it did not hold any chalk. The event was witnessed by 13 students in the classroom. A similar incident was reported at dinner one evening when Sagée's doppelganger was seen standing behind her, mimicking the movements of her eating, although it held no utensils.
The doppelganger did not always echo her movements, however. On several occasions, Sagée would be seen in one part of the school when it was known that she was in another at that time. The most astonishing instance of this took place in full view of the entire student body of 42 students on a summer day in 1846. The girls were all assembled in the school hall for their sewing and embroidery lessons. As they sat at the long tables working, they could clearly see Sagée in the school's garden gathering flowers. Another teacher was supervising the children. When this teacher left the room to talk to the headmistress, Sagée's doppelganger appeared in her chair - while the real Sagée could still be seen in the garden. The students noted that Sagée's movements in the garden looked tired while the doppelganger sat motionless. Two brave girls approached the phantom and tried to touch it, but felt an odd resistance in the air surrounding it. One girl actually stepped between the teacher's chair and the table, passing right through the apparition, which remained motionless. It then slowly vanished.
Sagée claimed never to have seen the doppelganger herself, but said that whenever it was said to appear, she felt drained and fatigued. Her physical color even seemed to pale at those times.
There have been many cases of doppelgangers appearing to well-known figures:
  • Guy de Maupassant, the French novelist and short story writer, claimed to have been haunted by his doppelganger near the end of his life. On one occasion, he said, this double entered his room, took a seat opposite him and began to dictate what de Maupassant was writing. He wrote about this experience in his short story "Lui."
  • John Donne, the 16th century English poet whose work often touched on the metaphysical, was visited by a doppelganger while he was in Paris - not his, but his wife's. She appeared to him holding a newborn baby. Donne's wife was pregnant at the time, but the apparition was a portent of great sadness. At the same moment that the doppelganger appeared, his wife had given birth to a stillborn child.
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley, still considered one of the greatest poets of the English language, encountered his doppelganger in Italy. The phantom silently pointed toward the Mediterranean Sea. Not long after, and shortly before his 30th birthday in 1822, Shelley died in a sailing accident - drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Queen Elizabeth I of England was shocked to see her doppelganger laid out on her bed. The queen died shortly thereafter.
  • In a case that suggests that doppelgangers might have something to do with time or dimensional shifts, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the 18th century German poet, confronted his doppelganger while riding on the road to Drusenheim. Riding toward him was his exact double, but wearing a gray suit trimmed in gold. Eight years later, von Goethe was again traveling on the same road, but in the opposite direction. He then realized he was wearing the very gray suit trimmed in gold that he had seen on his double eight years earlier! Had von Goethe seen his future self?

Monday 21 November 2011

New Blood Type

Blood Discovery: New Hemoglobin Type Found

ScienceDaily (Mar. 17, 2008) — Scientists at the University of Bonn have discovered a new rare type of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin transports oxygen in the red blood corpuscles. When bound to oxygen it changes colour. The new haemoglobin type appears optically to be transporting little oxygen. Measurements of the blood oxygen level therefore present a similar picture to patients suffering from an inherited cardiac defect. After examining two patients, the scientists now understand that the new type of haemoglobin distorts the level of oxygen measured.

The scientists have named the type 'Haemoglobin Bonn'. Haemoglobin transports oxygen to the body's cells and in return picks up carbon dioxide there. In doing so it changes colour. With an optical measuring instrument, known as a pulse oximeter, you can therefore measure whether there is enough oxygen present in the blood. The cause of anoxia can be an inherited cardiac defect, for example.
This was also the tentative diagnosis in the case of a four-year-old boy who was admitted to the Paediatric Clinic of the Bonn University Clinic. However, after a thorough examination, the paediatricians Dr. Andreas Hornung and his colleagues did not find any cardiac defect. A low saturation of oxygen had also been previously found in the blood of the boy's 41-year-old father, again without apparent signs of a cardiac defect.
Dr. Berndt Zur from Professor Birgit Stoffel-Wagner's team at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology examined the boy's and the father's haemoglobin. He eventually realised that they were dealing with a new type of the blood pigment. 'The pulse oximeter is put on a finger as a clip and X-rays it with infrared radiation,' he explains. 'Haemoglobin absorbs infrared light in the absence of oxygen. The lower the content of oxygen in the blood, the less light penetrates the finger and reaches the sensor of the oximeter.' But Haemoglobin Bonn absorbs a bit more infrared light than normal oxygen saturated haemoglobin, even when combined with oxygen. 'That's why, at first, we did not understand why the patients did not have any particular health problems,' Dr. Zur says.
Every human has two main heart ventricles. One pumps the blood through the arteries to the lungs, where the haemoglobin releases the carbon dioxide and takes on oxygen. The other one pumps the blood which is saturated with oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body. Both ventricles must be separated by a wall in the heart, so that the oxygen-rich blood does not mix with the anoxaemic blood. But some people have a hole in this septum.
In such cases, the pulse oximeter shows anoxia. Doctors therefore see this as a sign of a cardiac defect. Another cause is what is known as the Apnoea Syndrome. In the patients affected, breathing can cease for more than a minute. That is why the father of the 4-year-old received oxygen treatment at nights for some time. 'If we had known about Haemoglobin Bonn before, father and son could have been spared the fear of a cardiac defect or the Sleep Apnoea Syndrome,' Dr. Zur explains

Blue Blood

Scientists at the laboratories of the National Vampire Institute, researching for the Australian Red Cross Blood Service have confirmed today that they have discovered a new blood type.
The type, which is in addition to the A, B and O blood types common in Australia is a particularly rare strain that was previously thought to not have existed on the continent.
Although not officially named, the discovery has researchers at the Institute excited about the breakthrough.
“We have been working with the A,B and O blood type groups for some time - this new discovery is huge for the Blood Service,” Dr C. Dracula said.
“The interesting thing about this blood type is its colour. Instead of the usual red pigments, it has a blue tinge which is more like the colour you see in your veins.
“There will of course be the comparisons with ‘Royal’ or ‘Blue’ blood, but at this stage we can’t be sure of its exact genetic make-up.”
The Blood Service began the research, when a hospital patient couldn’t be matched to any particular blood type. After conducting more tests, the Blood Service confirmed its discovery.
Spokesperson Kathy Bowlen said the blood type seemed to have a higher volume of plasma than others: “This is exciting, because more and more patients are needing plasma, if this type is widespread in the population, it could be a real boon for blood stocks," she said.
“We ask that more new donors come forward to see if anyone else is ‘blue’."
Regardless of the discovery, the Blood Service is always looking for new donors, to make an appointment at your local donor centre call 13 14 95